Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Three Little Things

There are three things I've decided to do in my life.
I've been thinking a lot lately, and I have noticed that I have been pretty sissy lately.
I've not done things because I don't want to be afraid or uncomfortable.
But you know what?
I am going to live.
So I have three things I am going to remind myself of every time I do something.
  1. Fearless
  2. Courageous
  3. Stupid
1. Fearless. I will be as fearless for as long as possible. When I can no longer be fearless, I will be
2.Courageous. I will have courage, even through my fear, and I will carry through.
3. I will be a little stupid, because, hey, if you are always thinking with your head, you aren't going to have much fun.

But I do promise to my you my friends, I won't be too stupid.

P.S, I'll be smart when being stupid.

The Days To Come

These past few days have been busy. I'm not making excuses. I'm just explaining myself.

Thanksgiving was a busy three days. We didn't do any Black Friday shopping(too full and lazy) so instead we just laid around and did nothing but eat candy and watch Ugly Betty.
Now, I'm sure you want to hear all about my weight gain and dieting.
But something did happen on Wednesday.
If I haven't mentioned my Grandma(whom I call Mamma), I will mention her now.
She is an amazing quilter. Besides making awesome and intricate stuff, she makes quilts for every occasion. Weddings and anniversary's and babies and and and! I could go on.
So a few years after I was born, she began making a quilt for me, one for my brother and one for my sister.
She made me a Sunbonnet Sue.

Please excuse the crudeness of this. I couldn't get it to sit right..(by the way, the quilt is sideways)

I have tried and tried to pick my favorite Sue, and there are a few I really love, but this one has to be my favorite.

This photo hardly does it justice, but this is the backing(that, might I add, I chose out!).

The purple is the binding. Which, I also picked out :)

As well as making the quilt, Mamma wrote a story to go along with it.
Here it is.

Katey's Quilt
"Sunbonnet Sue"

I had never liked the Sunbonnet Sue quilt pattern and never wanted to make a quilt using that pattern. I certainly did not like hand work--that is, until I went to my first quit show, here in (blank, blank), at Century II in 1999! There I saw a beautiful Sunbonnet Sue quilt that was made with Reproduction Prints. I took a picture of the quilt to show to Bob. The next day I went back and bought some fabric  from the vendors at the show to start the quilt for Katey. I purchased the rest of the fabric from Gramma's Calico Cupboard quilt shop here in (blank). She has the best collection of Reproduction Prints in this area.

Bob and I traveled often to Hanover Kansas to see his mother, Kathryn F., who was living in the Assisted Living Facility there. As we sat with her and visited, I felt like I needed something to do. I took the fabrics along and basted the edges of the quilt pieces so I could applique them to the white background. But Kathryn didn't really like that. She said I was working instead of visiting. It didn't take long until she was asking "What did you get done on the quilt?" and other residents in the Long Term Care facility were stopping by her room to see the blocks that were done. The blocks soon became a source of price for her.

These quilt blocks traveled many, many miles before it was completed. It made at least two trips to Oregon and the west coast when we went to visit my brother Dean and his wife, Lila. It made a trip to the wast coast when we went to North Carolina to see lighthouses. It went to Maine where we vacationed. I can't honestly say I got much done on it when we traveled, but I always took it along just in case I wanted to work on it or had time.

With the completion of the appliqued blocks, it was time to set the blocks together. I had wanted to mix and match the prints, using them as sashing between the blocks. But that did not look good! So I matched each Sunbonnet Sue's dress with sashing and was pleased with the outcome. I didn't have enough fabric for one sashing strip, could no find any more fabric like it--and I can guarantee you, I looked and looked in every shop I could find--but there just wasn't any more fabric! I finally compromised by piecing together the leftover fabrics that I had in order to finish the sashing for that block. (*I haven't yet found that block...)

With the completion of the top I needed to get fabric for the backing. I put the quilt away until I had time to look for fabric. It was put away for a long time as I worked on other quilts. In June 2007--I told you it was a long time!-- Bob and I took Katey, Taylor Ann and Brooks with us to (blank, blank), to have a day with the grandkids and to visit the most incredible quilt shop in existence--at least as far as I was concerned.

The Buttonhole, the quilt shop, was a very large shop, with a huge number of bolts of fabric of every kind and color imaginable. Katey looked and looked at fabrics before she made her final choice, the lavender/purple flowers on white fabric that complemented the quilt top so perfectly. She also picked the fabric for the binding of the quilt. Good job Katey!

It still took a while before I got around the quilting her quilt. I shadow stitched around each Sunbonnet Sue, which is an outline stitch making them stand out. Then I used stitch in the ditch around the blocks. This quilt was about 7 years in the making from start to finish. But of course, I didn't work on it much at a time and it did a lot of sitting in the storage box until I got around to working on it.

For one who didn't like handwork, I really did enjoy doing the applique on this quilt. I found I did like the Sunbonnet Sue quilt pattern, especially when it's made in Reproduction Prints!

So, with lots of love, Katey, I give you your Sunbonnet Sue quilt. 
Love ya, Mamma and Mampa,

Mampa drove many miles to quilt shops, helped me pick colors and enjoyed seeing you quilt when it was finished.
P.S The Buttonhole quilt shop closed in 2008 due to the drop in economy. That was a sad time in the life of all quilters. 

When I read this, I cried. I don't know exactly why, but it just made me sad. So I curled up beneath the warm quilt, and thought about all the years to come that it would last.
I will be spending a while sleeping underneath this quilt.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving from all at Highland!

P.s(I'll tell you more later!)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Riding my Hoss

As you may know, it has been rather chilly. I envy my friend Manny(from Manny's Momento) because she's where it's warm(humid, I know.)
So I put on my barn coat and jeans and headed out to the pen with my tack.
As you ALSO may know, a few months ago I began teaching myself English. I began riding western in January 2009, and this past July I decided that I wanted to open my horizons to a broader type.
Now, I was the type to laugh and point at english riders. I mean, THEIR STIRRUPS ARE SO SHORT! And they sat all funny and straight. And they wore sissy helmets and tight little pants and tall black boots. What's more silly than that?
I was the tough and gruff, all boots, jeans, belt buckles and cowboy hats. They make cowboy hat's with helmets built into  them. And once, mom threatened to buy me one if I didn't stop coming off my horse. I nearly died with grief that I might have a strap around my chin.
You would never believe that I ride all prissy-like now! Now I'm the one sitting up straight and proper-like(though I until I get to jumping, I am still not wearing a helmet).
Don't get me wrong, I still hold my own around the barrels, and I still can get down and dirty when it comes to riding western, but I have a whole lot more respect for the English sport.

I have checked around my area, and finally finally found someone to give me lessons...In the spring.
I have to wait! Imagine that, me, waiting. Puh!
But in the spring, I will get hunter jumper lessons for me and Poco. I am so stoked. It's going to be rad. Stellar. Tubular.
I'm so cool.
I know that I'm not. *sniff*

But anyway, seriously, today has gone well. I have carefully planned my Christmas list(full of sheepskin half pads, and English bridles and horse magazine subscriptions). I kid you not, everything but one thing(which is an ASL dictionary) has something to do with my beloved four-hooved horsies.
Well, "everything" is really only four things.

But it's going to be the best four things ever.

Ever, I tell you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A day of horses

My farrier, Mr. M, and I were talking last month when he came to trim the horses, how Poco's feet grow nearly twice as fast as Sage's do.
So before he left last time he gave me a rasp and a few pointers on how to trim up Poco's feet.
Pretty simple really, stay mostly away from his heels since they didn't grow fast and just kinda roll the rasp of his toes.

 Ashes wondered what on earth was this new type of food I was about to give her.

After a few trips to the garage and back, I finally had my gloves, hoof pick, rasp and horse treats-you know, in case I needed to "persuade" Poco into doing something.
The front feet are easy, and though Poco is good at getting them away from me, he didn't manage this time.
I think he is really growing up. *Sniff*. He used to be such a brat when it came to his feet, but now he is so good with them.

That's not a very happy face :(

I did it!

I have to admit, picking up the back feet is a little intimadating, but surprisingly enough, he's better with his back feet than his front! Imagine that, putting up less fuss.

Its not very clean because every time he puts it back down, its full with mud again.

Sage wanted a treat to, so I cleaned her hooves and fed her alfalfa cubes too.

Sage: I want some more.

I am going to ride later too, if it's not too cold and I'm not too lazy.

Until then.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

We're just going to pretend...

So, since I have been extremely lazy for the last few days, not posting at all, I'd like to apologize.
I'd also like to say
All of the following event's happened days ago, but I'm just now getting around to posting about it.
So we're just going to pretend that this all happened recently.

"Today" we ran out of hay. So I called up Mr. L (he's our hay man) and asked him if we could come down and get some hay again.
He told me that was fine and to come down whenever. Well. After careful consideration, I realized that our trailer we use for hay hauling is full of junk and that there was no way we were getting hay "today".
So I called him up again and asked if he might use his large green tractor to bring the bale up(we're like two and a half miles from his place).
He kindly agreed and called me later to let me know he was headed my way.

See him there? He brought his dog too, Cody.

The cloaked figure driving his John Deere.

 And then he plopped it into the horse pen, gave a wave, Cody barked, and he was off! (Mr. L too!)

I needed to plow the horse pen before it was too muddy so I got my keys and hopped into the drivers seat(which I might add, is very cold after sitting in the weather all fall).
After several minutes of cranking it and pulling all the levers, I finally asked Brooks to try to start it(he is the master of the tractor).
Literally, he pushes the start button and pulls the right lever-2 seconds-and it's started.
Me: "How..?"
Him: "Cause I'm a boss."
Then he fist-bumped me and went back into the garage.

So after I got it turned ON, I maneuvered it over to get the plow implement hooked onto it.
As it turns out, I'm not that great of a backer...So there it sits, awaiting to be put together so I can plow.
It's been days. I haven't touched it.

So sorry, Mr. Tractor.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

If you may..

You may notice that there have been some DRASTIC changes to this blog. If you could bear with me on them, I'm trying new things out and I may be bashing my head on the table over some changes that I can't get just right, so it may stay in "working-progress" mode for a while.


Oh wait, that's me too! ^.^

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I know, I know!!

I know I have not been posting too "thoroughly" lately.
But I have been busy.
Well, busy for me.
Well..Not really.
I've just been lazy.
But you'll never guess what I've been doing!
I've been building a fence. Yes, that's right, I've been building a fence all by myself.
That includes cutting down tree's for fence posts, digging holes, stretching wire. Tacking the wire on. Et cetera, et cetera.
I'm only to the planning and digging holes today, but tomorrow I will dig even MORE holes and plan even MORE things.
So, the fence is 150' x 170' (roughly) and I am putting a post every 14 feet, so there are 24 holes on the long sides and 20 on the short side. Each hole has to be 2 feet deep and each hole takes me roughly half an hour to dig (if I dig straight through without stopping).
I am all for work, but digging those holes is definitely strenuous. Mostly because you have to push down while turning and pushing sideways.
Alas, tis a hard ranchers life.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go Shakespeare on you there. But I am a fan of Shakespeare. I love Shakespeare. I'm reading Hamlet right now. I read A Midsummer Night's Dream yesterday. Because I love Shakespeare.
So if I have time between finishing Hamlet, digging 44 holes and working with the horses, I'll blog.

You can count on me because, I love Shakespeare.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

You have permission to shoot me, if need be...

I am being terribly lazy today. I feel like doing absolutely nothing.
Even when I saw a beautiful sunset this evening, I waited to go get my camera(tsk tsk!) and missed it entirely.

It was way more beautiful in real life.
It gives a ghastly feel, huh?
Am I being boring?

So, you know, they say you aren't supposed to eat raw cookie dough...But I think I'm the exception.
I was reading A Midsummer Night's Dream when suddenly, "I WANT COOKIE DOUGH."
The monster reared it's ugly head.
I got out my flour and sugar and eggs and all the other needed things and put them all in a big bowl and ate it.
That's right.
I ate raw cookie dough.
Aren't I rebellious?
But it was

I am going to go dance to my music now.

That's all.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I made cookies today!! No-Bake cookies at that! Yummy stuff! 

These are all the things you need,
  1. 2 Cups sugar
  2. 1/2 Cup butter
  3. 1/2 Cup milk
  4. 1/3 Cup cocoa
  5. 1 teaspoon vanilla
  6. 3 Cups oats
  7. Peanut butter(optional)

After mixing 1-4 together in a sauce pan, bring to FULL boil and boil(stirring constantly) for 3 whole minutes.
Remove from heat and stirr in vanilla, oats, and peanut butter.
Drop onto wax paper and let set in fridge for 20-30 minutes.

This is very fast and easy and so so yummy.
I left out the peanut butter because we didn't have any. It's still good, but I would have liked to have had the peanutty taste in it. Oh well, next time.

(Just a word to the wise; don't buy butter that is hard to spread, this took FOREVER to melt in the pot)

See all those lumps?!

Stirring my cauldron of melted little boys and girls.
I'm kidding, I'm totally kidding.
Pretty much, anyway.

Add your vanilla. Mmm.

In goes the oats!

Now you're done!
Now to eat them all. They're all for me. No one else can have any. At all.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Riding Sage

I galloped hard and fast right after this, but didn't get the chance to film it. Sorry!
Tomorrow. I (sorta) promise!

Snow I tell you!

Last night it snowed!!
I'm telling you the truth. It may not look like it now, but it did!
Sadly, everything melted off, and now we are one big BLOOMIN' mud puddle!
So we will be eating mud for the next weeks. Months. Years? I hope not.
Okay seriously? No. I don't want anymore mud. I am fine with a little rain or snow, I can handle that. But mud just beckons the flies in the early spring, and the thrush in my horses hooves, and it is so...muddy.

Anyways, guess what my littlest bird did!?
She laid an egg.
That's right.
Biddy The Hen, laid me a tiny blue egg.
Oh I love my Hen.

      See. This is Biddy. Racing to get her share of corn, too!

Peck, peck.

Impending doom; the shadow of the duck!
Dillard says "I don't really care about eggs anymore. As long as SourPatch gets her foot out of my corn, I'm happy."

The egg on the right is a normal sized egg. The egg on the left is Biddy's egg.
Isn't it just adorable!!!

Anyway! I am off to ride in the mud-pit that is my land.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Plans=foiled. What now? Oh yes, Mr. Biggs

Today I was going to ride, but oh no, It's raining.
Gee, now what?
Mom has been telling me time and time again to clip Biggs nails.
It's hard for me to do because he is so so hard to hold onto when he gets mad(and let me tell you, he get's mad when it comes to manicures).
Armed with my nail clippers, a bag of treats and sheer strength, I girl-handled Mr. Biggs.

First nail? Piece a cake!

The 2nd-20th nail? Not so....

He was panting and writhing and even squealing like a scared little girl.

I had to pin him down and he still kept getting away from me!!!
But he still managed.
Finally, Mom got out the treats, and distracting him with food, I was able to snip one nail at a time.
He is now laying on his bed, sleeping away like nothing ever happened.
He's still not speaking to me.

Oh well...I'm going to go watch the rain fall now.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Garden Spade

For whatever reason, this morning I felt my green thumb(or lack thereof) coming to life.
After doing my morning chores, I donned my boots and coveralls and grabbed a spade and shovel.

Here's the beaut'

Overrun with weeds and grass and wild tomato plants, and possibly even a wild bunny or two.
I haven't even touched this garden in maybe five months.
Mind you, it's been a rough year(for gardens and otherwise) so this project just got lay by the wayside.

Wonderful, eh?
So I shoveled and pulled and yanked and finally, finally got somewhere.

Look at that beautiful fertile soil!
So after pulling all the weeds and rotten tomatoes and potatoes out, I grabbed my shovel,

(My shovel)

And went to the manure pile,

(my manure pile)
And went to scooping manure from pile to garden.

2,224 scoops later, all I had to do was till it all in.

Chop chop.

This is the(sort of) finished product. Throughout the winter and spring I will till it up and add more manure into it to make fertile, soft, black soil.
I can almost taste the green peppers and potatoes, and tomatoes and onions and mm mm mm!! I can't wait til spring!!

But speaking of onions, I found a few left in the garden. So I plucked away and was so happy with myself.
Look at those! They're beautiful!!

So I put them in a big bowl filled with water and started washing.
But to my total dismay, upon further examination, they were all contaminated with little bitty bugs!!
So now, these poor, probably delicious onions are being eaten by my chickens.

And I wanted to eat those, too!!

Anyways, how's your day?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Did you feel it?

Five dot six on the rector scale.
All my life, and I've never felt an earthquake.
Isn't this state know for tornadoes?

Yesterday was chilly and a little overcast. But Mamma's flower garden was in gorgeous bloom.

So after the Night Of Terror(aka, earthquake) my fence was down when I got up this morning.
After concluding the horses were not out, I lifted it up and patched it all back together.
I still haven't gotten that new fence post yet.

This morning I woke up extra early.
What's this?
Oh, that's right, Daylight Savings Time was last night. We were supposed to gain an hour of sleep. But instead, I woke up two hours early.
Thanks Biggs.

Oh well. Have a happy Sunday!