Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The sad story of the egg in the horse shed

So this morning I awoke with a misson.
Two actually.
Three actually.
I needed to get Poco's hooves trimmed, clean pasture and scrub the horse tank and refill it.
So I started with the first thing on the list. Easy right? Well, only if your horse wants to be caught.
I chased that sucker around for five minutes before I got him into a pen that we could work in.
I don't like having to chase my horse down and corner him to get a halter on him, and he always comes up to me and practically ties the knot on the halter anyways. But today he was feeling his frisky side and decided to have some fun with me. I'm glad no one was watching because falling down and having the horse laugh at you is nothing to be proud of.
So he ran into a small enough pen that I could do some exercises with him(I love to teach whenever I can) to get his focus on me and not on running.
Finally, with a great sigh, Poco gave in and stood still as I tied him to a post and started working on his feet.
He was a perfect angel for that; picking up his feet and holding them patiently while I tried to figure out what in the world I was doing. He only flinched when I knocked him in the hock with the rasp. Ouch. Sorry, Poco.
But in the end he ended up forgiving me and we did a little bonding on the lungeline.
I then had to figure out if it was above freezing and if so was the hose going to work for me. It ended up cooperating, but it was so stiff and unruly I sprayed water all over the ducks and chickens before I got it under control.
But I scrubbed the Black Beauty clean and filled it up(nope, I didn't overflow it this time. Hoorah for me!).

After that I got out my wheelbarrow and scoops and headed toward the horse shed. I really only need to muck every couple of days because they don't make much of a mess in the shed there.
I walked in and what do you know? I saw this.

Some chicken laid this in the barn. Amongst the poop and the dust. And it's cracked!
Thank you dear hen.
This is what I imagine happened;
Peck peck. Bock bock bock. "Wait, somethings-" Squack! "No, wait! I have to get back to the hen house!"
Another hen: "No time, you're having it-BOCK-here!"
A flurry of wings and more squacking and she had it right there. Then she went on pecking and left it to freeze. And crack...

And that is the sad story of the egg in the horse shed.

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